A place for those who are part of GCC to catch up and connect.
Click on the button below for easy access to the Sunday rota for teams at GCC.
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At GCC we want to see the Good News of Jesus’ transforming message shared with everyone, near and far. We do this through our own activities, as well as by partnering with others in our city, the UK, and around the world. Our current links include:
Christians Against Poverty
Gloucester City Mission
Gloucester Foodbank
Jo & Chandra in South Asia with Pioneers
Clare & Seba in Senegal with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Hanna & Lukas in Ethiopia with Wycliffe Bible Translators
Matt & Liz in the UK with Wycliffe Bible Translators
If you’d like to be kept up to date with their news directly please click on the button below, complete the short form and we’ll pass on your details:
All our Sunday talks are available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. You can listen to our most recent talk below and find accompanying slides, where available, through this link.
All our recent series are available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. The first talk in each series on Spotify is linked below. You can find slides to accompany the talks, where available, through this link.
Our view of suffering affects every part of our lives. Embracing a Biblical view of suffering can therefore transform every part of our lives. Using the Tim Keller book, Walking with God through Pain and Suffering, we’ll be exploring together how a healthy understanding of suffering can help us be more effective in living the life God has for us – both individually and as a church.
In this series we return to the book of Acts to explore how God uses people committed to journeying with God in and through the complexities of life to bring about transformation in his world.
A short series for the start of the year, exploring four values central to who we are and who we want to be as a church family. Where do you see these values in your own life and how might you grow in them today, this week…?
Gloucester Community Church is a registered charity (Number 1010032) – St Lukes, Stroud Road, Gloucester, GL1 5JR.
We are part of the Synergy church network, members of the Evangelical Alliance and you can find us on Findachurch.co.uk.
© Gloucester Community Church 2022. Brought to life by MASTERPIECECREATIVEDESIGN